Monday, August 4, 2014

Happy Birthday, Sav!

12 Years Old!!! It's hard to believe but our little Sav is growing up!

Twelve fun facts about our sweet Savannah:
1. She is a bookworm!
2. She loves to write and is currently working on her first book.
3. Painting is one of her favorite creative outlets.
4. She has a major sweet tooth and has a hard time saying no to cookies, candy, cake, get the drift. It it's sweet, she likes it!
5. She is such a sweetie with little kids and loves to hold babies.
6. She loves the outdoors and spends hours and hours outside playing with friends, riding her bike, running around the playground, playing in their fort in the woods, hiking, and going on adventures.
7. She loves to play sports and is a talented soccer player.
8. She is highly competitive!
9. Her favorite subject is history, especially Ancient Egypt and Greek mythology.
10. She is a good older sister to her brothers.
11. She has a great love for the gospel and her Heavenly Father.
12. She LOVES being out of Primary and in the Young Women program at church.

Savannah started off her special day with balloons
and yummy donuts!! The whole donut thing is becoming a birthday tradition at our place.
Can you blame us? Super delish!
Another favorite tradition? The opening of a present in the morning.
A 49ers mini helmet signed by Savannah's favorite, Colin Kaepernick!
Savannah's birthday fell on a Saturday this year - what a great day to have a PARRRRTYYY!! Since June is always such a hot and humid month we decided that a fun luau/water party was the way to go. We started off with some indoor games until everyone arrived.
We then headed out doors for some water games to cool off. Only problem was it was probably the coolest day we had had all June and there was definitely not a need to get any cooler. The girls were good sports, though, and I'm pretty sure they still had a fun time despite all the shivering.
The first game was passing a wet sponge to the person behind you using only your feet and then the last person squeezed the remaining water into a bucket. First person with a full bucket wins! Hilarious to watch!
The next game had the girls pouring a cup of water over their heads into the cup of the girl behind them. Only drawback - NO peeking!!
The girls got super soaked on this one, ha ha!
Huddling together to stay warm!
We finished the water games with a good 'ole game of water balloon dodgeball!
I then put the girls into two teams and they spent 10 minutes running around the neighborhood on a picture scavenger hunt. I don't have any pictures of that but I now have some funny pictures on my phone. By the end of that they were ready for some snacks from the Tiki Shack.
And some delicious smoothies delivered by this handsome waiter.
To end the party the girls played Capture the Flag!
Recovering the "flags" - a coconut...
and a pineapple. Luau theme, right?
The parents were all waiting patiently so I quickly had everyone sing Happy Birthday which they improved upon by squirting Savannah with squirt guns as they sang.
It was such a fun, easy party and it was over in a flash. After all the guests left, Savannah opened her gifts. She received a lot of fun presents from her friends, including new arts and crafts supplies, books, and clothes. Some of her favorite gifts from family were Legos...
The Prince of Persia DVD...
her name in hieroglyphs necklace...
a Scentsy stuffed animal...
and last, but definitely not least, a Manny Machado jersey.

Happy Birthday to the cutest girl around!  We sure do love you!

Savannah's Favorites at Age 12:
Animal: lion
TV Show:  Chima
Movie:  Prince of Persia
Color:  Teal
Food:  steak
Fruit:  watermelon
Vegetable:  broccoli
Sport to Watch:  soccer/football
Sport to Play:  soccer
Sports Player:  Manny Machado and Colin Kaepernick
Dessert:  ice cream
Candy:  reese's peanut butter cups
Book:  Percy Jackson series, Goddess Girls series
Song:  Primary Songs
Toy:  Monster High
Holiday:  Halloween
Season:  spring
Restaurant:  Red Robin, Panera
Place to Go:  soccer camp
Scripture Hero:  Ammon
Temple:  Salt Lake City
To Do:  play soccer
Wants to Be When She Grows Up:  an archaeologist
Best Friends:  Celine, Kaia, Kate, Jayna

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Young Woman!! We sure to do love you!!!
