Wednesday, August 13, 2014

YW Camp - First Year

The best part of turning 12? Savannah graduated from Primary into the Young Women program at church...
and left for YW Camp two days after her birthday. Phew, she just made it! She was so excited!!
One afternoon another leader and I headed up to Pennsylvania to visit all the YW and see how things were going at camp. No need to worry about my girl...she was having a fabulous time! The girls in our ward were gathered for a little down time when we arrived so we had a great time catching up on all their adventures so far. The big news was the rattlesnakes they had encountered around their cabins. Good thing nobody got bit and the problem had been taken care of. Still, I spent the remainder of my time at camp with my eyes on the ground.
Savannah showed me her cabin which she shared with 3 other girls, Emma, Michelle, and Sami, all fellow first years.
I guess cabins are better than tents but even so I don't think I would have been able to get much sleep with all those bugs and cobwebs strewn throughout the cabins. Savannah didn't seem bothered in the slightest.
The funny event of the evening was watching all our girls help push the Mothership out of the mud where Catherine thought it was going to be irretrievably stuck. With the Stake President behind the wheel, the YW with their shoulder to the wheel, and all of them pushing along with a few prayers thrown up in their behalf, that van made its way back up the hill!
We do have some favorites in this ward and Kendal Wine is definitely one of them.
Me and my girl.
On our way to dinner.
Games with the bishop.
The girls had gathered around the campfire for an evening fireside with the bishop when it was time for me to leave. It was so nice to see that Savannah was enjoying her time up at camp!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting. She is really coming into what can be the best years! She has her head on straight, she is beautiful, she is righteous, and she has wonderful potential! I am so glad she is loving and experiencing all of young womens to the fullest already!
