Monday, September 19, 2016

A Story About a Blue Dress

While shopping for some new clothes, Savannah mentioned that she needed a dress for Social and Graduation. Lucky day, we were able to find this great bargain on a cute black dress at Old Navy that would work for both occassions. Only problem? A few days later Savannah started seeing pictures of what her friends would be wearing to Social and all of a sudden that cute black dress just wasn't cutting it. Savannah started scouring the internet and found her dream dress - an electric blue lace dress, very pretty and surprisingly very low cost. But that low cost worried me as well as the fact that it was coming from a store I had never heard of. I hate ordering clothes online if I'm not familiar with the place so I told Savannah I would take her shopping again. We spent an afternoon at the mall with zero success. There were plenty of cute dresses but Savannah had set her heart on this particular blue lace dress. I told her we would try two more stores the next afternoon and, if we didn't find anything, we would take our chances with the online store but she needed to realize that if the dress arrived and it was too short or too small there would be no time to get anything else. I said a prayer that morning that Heavenly Father would help us find a dress she liked in one of the stores we were going to; I was just not in the mood to waste time and money on an iffy online purchase. Too many people think that Heavenly Father is only there to answer the big, important prayers but I know that he answers the prayers of a desperate mother over a seemingly small, insignificant thing. We walked in to Kohls and within minutes found almost an exact replica of her dream dress. Same color, same lace, and being right there in a store we were able to verify a perfect fit! I am so grateful for the tender mercies of a loving Heavenly Father.
And doesn't she look beautiful?
Savannah and Celine, best friends since kindergarten, heading out to their 8th grade Social. Crazy!
They are ready to hit that dance!!

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