Thursday, September 15, 2016

Noah's LAX season

The first season of any sport is always filled with a ton of mistakes and learning and I am really proud of Noah for sticking with lacrosse and giving it his all each and every time he played. The most important thing was he had a lot of fun!
He even got some air!

Chasing down a player!
He was on a team that had some very talented players and a great bunch of encouraging coaches. They ended up only losing one game all season.
Some kind words from his coach. He told me that he can see that Noah has natural athletic abilities and with some more practice and hard work he could be a really great LAX player. (I'm not sure how Noah will fill about more practice and hard work.)
One last team cheer!
Noah loves his cool LAX trophy.
I was very impressed with this league but one of the things that I loved most was at the end of the season Noah was invited to play in a special game just for first year players. Obviously the new LAX players don't always get a ton of touches on the ball during a game because the better players always dominate. In this extra game, however, Noah got the chance to play for a longer time on the field against players of his own skill. It was great to watch him have a chance to display some of the things he learned during the season.
He even got to do a face off which was only reserved for top players during the regular season.
The good news is Noah is still interested in LAX, even after a full season of it, and wants to play again next year. It still might be the equipment that's the draw for him but the games were a lot of fun to watch and we'll look forward to seeing him play again.

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