Saturday, September 17, 2016

Spring 2016

Throughout the spring it rained. A lot! Really...A LOT!! We were starting to think the sun had deserted us.
What do you do when you're stuck indoors because of all the rain and mud outside? You play all sorts of different things, including Star Wars. And of course when we play Star Wars at our house the boys are always siths. Xander becomes the emperor with a freakishly uncanny ability to mimic his voice and Noah is the apprentice ready to serve.
You also try to Facetime an uncle for his birthday, preparing to greet him with silly faces. When he doesn't answer you realize that you absolutely must take a picture of the silly faces because it's just too good to pass up immortalizing this image.
Every once in awhile the kids are super good so we treat them to a special dinner.
And we pretty much through the whole thing because these kids are just too funny!
As I mentioned in an earlier post, David spent the majority of his spring months away for work so it was always nice when he was home. Of course when he was home he was working as least, that's what he says he was doing. This is how he does conference calls! Hey, at least the sun was shining for him.
We also made sure to vote.
One evening the boys and I headed up to their school for the annual art show. Xander's masterpiece:
and Noah's:
In May the Pierces came for a visit. Although they were out here for two weeks, they spent the majority of their time in Virginia doing family history work. We only got to spend 4 days with them and in that whole time we didn't take a single pictures. Shameful! They did take Savannah to her spring concert, attended the Memorial Day breakfast with us, and took us to dinner one night. I guess David just enjoyed taking pictures of me and Noah rather than the kids with his parents.  We did have an enjoyable evening with them at Famous Dave's!
And then there was that one afternoon when we were getting ready to leave for baseball and Xander came running into the kitchen to tell me that a fire truck had pulled up right in front of our house. Panicked that a fire had broken out, we raced outside. Our next door neighbor quickly explained that they had had a smoking light so he had called just to be safe and they apparently sent out the whole fire brigade! Three trucks and several other emergency vehicles showed up. It was definitely some excitement for the neighborhood but it did make us a bit late for Xander's game.
They even went in to our neighbor's house through the back. Now that's what I call thorough!
My other neighbor Merly had to park down the street and ran up frantic, having seen all the fire trucks in front of her house and not knowing what was going on. I quickly assured her that we were all okay. In fact, the kids were great at hamming it up! It truly was a blessing that it was nothing more than a smoking light and we could pose for these kinds of pictures instead of losing our homes to a fire.

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