Monday, July 24, 2017

Preparing for Easter

We had two very special activities that we participated in leading up to Easter this year. A few years ago a Jewish couple in our area was converted and joined our ward. They were instrumental in bringing about our first Easter activity:
Preparing the tables for the meal.
Even Xander had a role in the evening, being the youth who brought the bowl of water to David for the ceremonial washing of his hands.
Peggy lent me the cloth to wear on my head as I also had a part in the Seder, lighting the candles and speaking some lines from the program.
The place setting for Elijah.
What an amazing evening! Many of our ward members were there, several couples from the other ward helped out by serving the meal, and the Spirit was felt by all. I am so grateful for this sweet couple, Michael and Peggy Galumbeck, for making this wonderful event happen for all of us.
A Night with Christ was the second special Easter activity and we did this one with our young women. Throughout the evening the young women and leaders visited several rooms where, through scripture reading, songs, and readings, we all learned about the concluding events in the Savior's mortal ministry.
The Last Supper -
scripture reading from scrolls and time for journal writing about individual thoughts, impressions, and feelings.
Sister Foote did a fabulous job.
Sister Paul talked to the girls about the Garden of Gethsemane and we sang I Stand All Amazed.
The girls learned about the trial and judgment of the Savior from Brother Klein who was dressed as Pontius Pilate.
We reviewed information about the Jewish and Roman leaders involved in the decisions regarding our Savior.
Sister Brown taught the girls about the horrors of crucifixion.
In Sister Nelson's room we learned about the burial of our Savior and read some beautiful scriptures and quotes regarding what Jesus Christ was doing while His body lay in the tomb.
We finished the evening learning about the glorious Resurrection; David did a great job talking about the importance of this significant event and what it means for each of us.

What a wonderful evening that really helped bring my focus directly to my Savior during this Easter season.

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