Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Our Fun Day in DC

Whenever Bryan comes for a visit we head down to DC. This trip down was especially exciting because we were going to visit Hayward at the State Department. Although our DC adventure started out a little rough, with traffic and, well, let's just say that Greenbelt really needs to get some bathrooms, we finally made it there! As we approached the State Department, we noticed a bunch of camera crews as well as a lot of security men out front. After checking in at the front desk and while we waited for Hayward to come meet us, all of a sudden here comes a man dressed in full Arab robes and turban, surrounded by about 20 security men. He walked right by us and off he went. Of course we were super curious as to who he was and it was one of the first questions we had for Hayward. According to Hayward it was the Prime Minister of Iraq and when I asked what he was doing here, his reply was, "I don't know and I don't want to know." I just wish I had had my camera ready!

After that little excitement, we were treated to a tour of the State Department and I have to admit I wasn't prepared for how cool it was. Right at the entrance is this display of flags - a flag is represented for each country we have diplomatic relations with. The three missing? North Korea, Iran, and Bhutan.
A plaque dedicated to diplomatic officers of the United States who lost their lives while on active duty.
I took pictures of a few I found very interesting, like poor Benjamin H. Ridgely who died of exhaustion in Mexico City.
And William Palfrey, lost at sea, and Joel Barlow from exposure.
And of course all our men who died in Benghazi in 2012.
What the conference rooms look like.
Of course there are pictures marking significant moments in history hanging everywhere. \
The operating and safeguarding of the Great Seal of the United States is the honor and privilege of the Department of State.
Abraham Lincoln's signature on The Emancipation Proclamation.
Hayward hates this statue in the courtyard and says a lot of people make fun of it but I didn't think it was that bad.
In one area of the building they are working on getting a museum put together. I loved seeing some of the pieces they already have, like this piece of the Berlin Wall...
and a display of Madeline Albright's pins.
I thought I took some pictures of some of the gifts we've received from other nations but I guess I didn't which really bums me out because a lot of them were very beautiful and unique! After our tour we headed up to the Martin Van Buren Room restaurant where Hayward treated us to a delicious lunch and some great catching up.  He  even had a little gift for each of us - a coin for Bryan
and an ornament for me.
The view from the Martin Van Buren room.
What a fun morning we had with our cousin! I'm so glad we got to see him!
After the State Department we strolled through DC, checking out some of our beautiful monuments and buildings.
We decided to finish up our day in DC at the National Gallery of Art.
Always have to check out my favorite - Vermeer.
I don't know why but I was completely drawn to the painting of this woman. I'll have to see if I can find out more about who she was; she captivated me.
Another fun adventure for the two of us in our nation's capital!

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