Sunday, July 8, 2018

A Super Hero New Beginnings

Ever since I've been in Young Women I have wanted to do a Super Hero themed New Beginnings but, since the young women are the ones to choose, we've always gone with what they decided and they've never picked my idea! Boo! So, this year I told Melissa that I wanted to do it because I have the feeling we might not be in as leaders for the next New Beginnings so she made the decision and that was that. Obviously when I was thinking of super heroes for New Beginnings I wasn't thinking Iron Man and Captain America - I was thinking of the many female super heroes from the scriptures. They were on display that night in beautiful images I had found on the internet.
Each amazing woman from the scriptures displayed a particular or several of the young women values so we chose to incorporate that into the evening. We had each young women dress up in a cape and mask and were super heroes in their own right, utilizing the super powers of:  Faith,
Divine Nature,
Individual Worth,
Choice and Accountability,
Good Works,
and Virtue. (The girls all made their own poster!)
After the opening song and prayer, Melissa gave a beautiful talk about the young women values and she then called the girls up one by one to introduce us to their own particular "super power". Each young woman read the scripture and the little intro about her specific young women value from the Personal Progress book .

After they were done, the audience stood to recite the Young Women theme together. As we said each value, the young woman representing that value would turn, face the audience, hold up her emblem (which each young woman had designed herself), and shout the name of her "super power". It was awesome!
Sommer then introduced us to our new Beehives coming in this year. We got to find out some of their likes and dislikes and then Melissa gave them their own super hero cape.
To more fully introduce our new Beehives to the young women values, we had them come up and read scenarios that they might find themselves in as they continue through middle school and high school. One of our super heroes would then run up and tell them how their particular "super power" or value could help them in their situation. Each young woman then told the new Beehive about one of our super heroes from the scriptures and how she used the "super power" to help her. The bishop finished up the night with some beautiful remarks about the power of young women.
Time for pictures!
Oh, yes...we're super heroes too!
We did a few boomerangs that were awesome but I think this picture might be my favorite of the night. Too bad it's a little blurry.
Enjoying refreshments and time with my girls! They are all definitely super heroes!
So excited to get these new girls this year!
Making value bracelets to remind us of our young women super powers!
In the month of February my Mia Maids and I delivered Valentine's Day goodies to a few people in our ward and at one stop got lots of snuggles with these two cuties in their fairy wings;
had an 80's movie night at my house, watching a 90's movie Mrs. Doubtfire;
and ran around shooting other young women in an amazing night of Laser Tag!

Being a young woman leader is the best!

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