Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Awesome Elders!

My in-laws visited in April for Noah's baptism and after attending church my father-in-law told me about a wonderful discussion he had had with the missionaries in our ward. He then asked me if I had met them yet. Well, of course I know them, I thought to myself! But David explained to me that in Utah it's rare to have missionaries serving in the wards and that he couldn't remember ever knowing elders the way our kids know them. What a sad emptiness that must be, to not get to have a relationship with the wonderful elders and sisters that are serving missions throughout the world. There is something special about these young adults, sacrificing 2 years of their lives to go out and spread the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I absolutely love the special spirit they bring into my home and the example they are to my own children.
My kids adored Elder Smith and Elder Tharp!
Maybe it's easy to see why?
And every once in awhile you get a missionary that finds a special place in your heart and it's so hard when it's time for them to leave!
What a bunch of goof balls!
Not only do they teach wonderful spiritual messages to my kids but they grab a nerf gun and start shooting! Noah was in heaven!
Noah battling it out with Elder Willicome.
Elder Tharp, who is most famous for his statement, "The Atonement is real!" Elders are the best!

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