Thursday, August 20, 2015

Cinci Nights

There's a movie, can't remember which one, where one of the character says something like: "Watch out! The weirdos come out at night." That line proves to be quite true in our case. Presenting my evidence:
Kellan's face...what can I even say? I'm wiping away tears as I type!
And then there are the swordfights...
including stabbings by Ciara.
Plays, shows, and fashion shows galore. Noella the model made quite an impression on us all. (I have an even better picture of Noella that will remain in secret until such an occasion where blackmail is in order.)
Not quite sure about this one.
The playroom holds many delights - toys, dress up, books, puzzles, games, and much more to keep the kids entertained.
And of course we can't forget the Wii!
Or movies with Grandpa. What a trooper - he watched Pride and Prejudice with Savannah and Ashlyn!
Night time swimming is always fun!
I wanted to get a few more pictures of the kids but only Savannah would pose for me.
Note the chaos going on behind my obedient, lovely child.
One evening the kids all spent the night up at Aunt Heidi's house so David, Bryan, me, and Dad headed out to Graters for some yummy ice cream treats! We know how to party!

Another fun but extremely short trip. It's always so hard to say goodbye!

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