Thursday, December 7, 2017

Pack Meeting - A Trip Around the World

Noah's pack meeting in May was awesome! The Cub Master let the boys know that they would be taking a trip around the world.
All throughout the gym were tables set up representing different countries the boys would be learning about. Everyone was excited to get started.
The places we visited that night - Guatemala with Brother Knox.
Trying some fried bananas.
The Philippines with Sister Sergent (and her kids). The big hit there was the purple ice cream.
Qatar with Brother Sakora. I LOVED the olives, humus, and bread. Yum!!
China with my sweet friend Heather who lived in Shanghai for several years.

South Korea with Brother Hutchinson.
Hungary with Brother and Sister Kraczek who both served missions there.

Germany where Brother Mullins served his mission. The chocolate was divine!

Argentina with Sister Richards who is originally from there.
Noah really enjoyed the cookies!
And we finished with the United States with Brother and Sister Berg.
Noah was thrilled that they had the traditional American drink - Coke!
The adults did a fantastic job and I know that the boys, along with the parents, learned a ton and enjoyed sampling all the food.

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