Friday, January 18, 2019

My Early Mornings

I am so grateful for my calling as a seminary teacher! I can not think of a better way to start every day, diving into the scriptures with these amazing kids!
We always LOVE our breakfasts on Fridays!
Friday devotional - each student writes something that he or she learned or something that inspired him or her or something that touched his or her heart on a leaf and then places it on our tree. I can't wait until the tree is full of leaves.
We learned about the printing of The Book of Mormon so, to give them an opportunity to see in a small way how tedious the whole process was, I brought in stamps and they had to "print" out a message. It was definitely not a speedy process!
A little theater in the mix as well, though this did not seem to be a favorite activity.
More smiles for food!
One of my favorite lessons to date - as we read section 20, the students would come up and complete the statement "We know that...". We filled the board with things that they knew to be true and then they each chose one thing and I took a video of them testifying of it. It was powerful!!
If you come in my room, I'm probably going to take a picture of you, especially if you're bringing us yummy food and have decorative plates!
Hashtag lesson.
We had a lesson on Satan and how he is an imitator. A little later in the lesson, while students were working on a worksheet, Felix got up to throw away some trash. As he passed his sister, he offered her a pink gumball. She looked at it for a few seconds, really studying it, and then realized it was fake. Felix had rolled some silly putty into a perfect imitation of a gumball that easily would have deceived anyone who wasn't paying close attention. We all laughed as he said it was his object lesson. These kids are seriously the best!
Our family reading wagons are continuing on their journey!
Though some have hit some mishaps along the way...
One of our graduates, Jared Hardy, who is now in culinary school, came one morning to cook us up some hot pancakes! What an awesome morning!
While Jared took orders and made the food...
the kids worked on their posters of section 29 - the last days.
Their posters were fabulous!
Those eyeballs and maggots!!

And that hand!
Me and my partner! We are having a blast doing this seminary thing!

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