Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Trunk Or Treat 2018

2018's Trunk or Treat was my favorite of all time! The year before, as I sat and chatted with Melissa at the Trunk or Treat, I told her,"We should have dressed up as something. We should have dressed up as the Sanderson Sisters from Hocus Pocus!" And that's how the grand idea was born! Two months later Sommer was called to be the second counselor and it made even more sense - we had our blonde! For a year we planned on it, even ordering our costumes in the summer so we wouldn't face sold outs on anything. Finally, the day arrived. We had a former young woman help us with our makeup and voila! we were ready to put a spell on our ward!
Our selfie in the church bathroom before we made our grand entrance. This was the one and only time I did the authentic Mary Sanderson face...I just could not nail that thing no matter how hard I tried.
Ready to cast some spells!
Aren't we bewitching?!?! I absolutely LOVED our costumes!
Nothing better than hangin' with a hot dog, especially when it's one of my favorite young women!
Standing in line for soup, I noticed there were all kinds of bugs and critters scattered on the table. I told Sommer to put one in her mouth and she did! She's beyond awesome!
My cute kids and their friends. Xander opted to stay home this year.
Savannah nailed Mama Coco!
We took our kids outside to take pictures of them trunk or treating...
and then decided to hide in the bushes and scare kids!
Honestly, our time outside scaring little kids was so much fun! Some were so nervous and others just wanted to take pictures with us.
We found some other "sisters"!
And then there was the angel that wanted to bless us! OH NOOOOO!!!!!!
Once all the candy was collected it was back inside for awards. I love our ward - so many people always dress up and they have the best costumes! The sushi family...
Alice in Wonderland...
of course those amazing Sanderson sisters earned a prize...
a little Indiana Jones...
Gru and one of his minions...
the Incredibles family...
Moana, Mama Coco, and Wednesday Addams.
Posing with some little cuties.
And some final pictures from our fun night! We also did a few boomerangs that I will treasure forever. This evening with my "sisters" was the best!

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