Sunday, April 19, 2020

August Highlights

I love summer!!! We always have so many fun things going on as well as times when we can just veg and take it easy. Before we knew it, summer was drawing to a close so here are a bunch of miscellaneous happenings from our August 2019.
Xander had two fabulous jobs all summer - working for his friend Harrison's landscaping company which was once or twice a week and also working for an older gentleman on his large property. I loved picking up Xander one day and seeing him working hard!
Another summer wedding, this time my dear friend Tracy's daughter. It's so crazy to see these kids I've known for so many years grow up and get married!
The beautiful bride Alicia.
Caught in the act! David and his friend from church, Dave, have been in some kind of car war with each other, each trying to outdo the other with crazy shenanigans. This time Dave was caught with the elders red handed. We gave him a hard time for enlisting the sweet missionaries to help him do his dirty work, ha ha!
Fall sports started mid-August.
Saying goodbye to my dear friend, Maria, whose family is moving to Germany for a few years.
My crafty Noah who is always making cool things.
Our ward was involved in a program that helps new refugee families coming into our country. We spent several weeks collecting all kinds of supplies for an apartment, like bedding, dishes, lamps, small pieces of furniture, etc, and then several of us went down to Baltimore city one day to set everything up. We took several of the young men to help. What a great experience!!
Hangin' with one of my favorite ladies, Amanda, who I've known since she was one of my Young Women years ago, and her fabulous cat!
Cleo, Cleo, and more Cleo!
Had to laugh, and grab some pictures, when she randomly pounced on Savannah one afternoon.
Freshmen Fest for Xander. How is it possible he's old enough to be in high school???
He was so excited because they had him dress up as the mascot!

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