Friday, August 9, 2013

Peter Pan

A few nights before we left, my parents treated us all to "Peter Pan" at a local dinner theater. I must admit I was a little worried about how the kids would do, especially Noah, but they loved it! We had two tables and stuck Grandma and Grandpa with the older kids while Heidi, Ryan, David, and I shared a table with Kellan and Noah. The food was delicious, especially the yummy cheesecake dessert.  Xander ended up eating so much food that he had quite the bellyache by the end of the evening.
  The actors all did a really great job and put on such a fun show for us. It was their opening night so there were a few mishaps - Peter Pan flew HARD right into one of the walls; Peter also fell off one of the walls of the ship; and the slide from the ship came apart and all the actors were trying to put it back together while the scene kept going. But the real funny part came before the show even started - Xander was reading through the program, looking at who played each character and was highly disappointed to find out that a woman was playing Peter Pan. We tried to explain to him that in the theater Peter Pan is always played by a woman.  He wasn't buying it but she did such a great job that I think by the end of the play he had completely forgotten that Peter was actually a woman. After the show the kids were so excited to meet some of the actors and get their autographs. Tiger Lily was Savannah's favorite.
Captain Hook!
And Peter Pan...she got them to do the Peter Pan stance.

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