Monday, August 5, 2013

The Childrens Museum

For all the fun we had outside in the pool there were a whole lot of days of rain that kept us looking for fun things to do inside. One of those indoor activities was the Children's Museum. The kids have been there a ton of times but it never gets old for them.
There were a couple incidents at the museum this time that made me realize I have become one of "those" moms. You know, the ones who aren't afraid to tell other peoples' kids to behave because their own parents won't? Kellan, Noah, and Xander were so excited to dress up and play store. Unfortunately there were two girls who had loaded up two of the grocery carts with ALL the items from the store to the point where the shelves were bare and there was nothing for the other kids to play with. These girls then proceeded to show their grandparents their overflowing carts and head out the store and down to the deli. To my amazement their grandparents just smiled. Oh, no, that is not happening when I'm around. I walked up to the girls and said in a pretty nice voice that other kids needed food to play with and they needed to take the groceries back to the store. Apparently I said it too sweetly because they just looked at me and kept heading to the deli. That's when I said in my mom voice that it was time to take the stuff back!! Despite the frowns from the grandparents and the fact that the girls just abandoned the carts at that point to go off and play somewhere else, I felt pretty good that I had made a stand. Plus the boys were pretty excited to finally have some food to ring up!
Serving up some tasty food at the deli.
The kids headed over to this cool frame house that they got to put together with some colorful cushions. Enter another irritating kid who started knocking out all the cushions while our kids were trying to build. Trying to be nice I said, "Hey, destructo boy, these kids are trying to build. Please stop knocking out their cushions." After he completely ignored me (seriously, what is up with kids ignoring adults these days?), I asked him where his mother was and that seemed to do the trick. He scurried off to cause havoc elsewhere, I'm sure.
Working on the arch with Grandpa, a must-do every time we come.
Some pretty cute little construction workers.
Something that the kids got to do this time that has never been open before was the dance room. The darkened room had a little disco ball as well as some strobe lights action going on. There was even a DJ playing great dance music. Our kids LOVED it!!!   At one point the DJ asked me if Savannah got her moves from me - she was definitely working it, although this move was definitely not anything I taught her!
Noah has always had a special little groove going for him.
After the Children's Museum we headed over to the Museum of Natural History.
Wandering through the cave tunnels.
Hangin' out on a glacier.
There are always so many deadly creatures to watch out for at the museum, including this large prehistoric reptile thing...
and of course the T-Rex who chases you out the exit!


  1. Woo hoo for being an awesome Mom! I take out what I have fondly dubbed as my "teacher voice" occasionally too, esp at the pool! I never thought I'd have to resort to that, but I have, so I understand what you're saying!! Looks like you had a fun vacation with your family. I love the Monsters U ID pics! Savannah's is the best!

  2. I got to be that mom several times today! Good for you. And that museum looks amazing--I am very, very jealous.

  3. Way to go for being "one of those" Moms!!! LOL- it amazes me how many parents don't care if their children take over! Just a week or so ago some little hispanic kids were all playing at carters while Kristen and I were shopping and Jaxson ran over to play with them, and they took all the legos, and started yelling at him that he can't play with them, and they better not talk to him! GEEZ! I busted out all mom style- I even told them right in front of their Mom- who did nothing- that they weren't nice and that they shouldn't play if they can't share!

  4. Well, I hope that the visit was fun! Going out into public is not always the best time, is it? Hahaha...we all have to learn to get along with each other, with other human beings (including the little ones!). Anyways, I have loved all of these Cincinnati and summer posts; I truly wish that I could have been there to hang out with all of you! I am envious that Heidi and her gang got to spend so much time with you and your gang! Maybe next summer!?!
