Thursday, August 8, 2013

Swiss Family Robinson

Cousin Camp Two - Swiss Family Robinson! The kids received their invitation and instructions in a water bottle which they thought was pretty cool.
Unfortunately what wasn't so cool was the weather. The day we had picked to do our Cousin Camp was stormy and since the majority of the activities were going to be outside, the camp had to be postponed...and postponed...and postponed once again! Finally, a couple days before we left Cincinnati, we just went for it. It was a bit overcast but at least it wasn't raining. The first activity of the day was a treasure hunt to find the pirates' gold, with clues leading the kids all over the front and back yard with little "treasures" at each spot.
Searching for the next clue!
Reading a clue.
The final spot contained a bucket full of gold and jewels - well, gold covered candy bars and ring pops, that is.
Unfortunately I was suffering from a really bad headache and pretty much was done after the treasure hunt so Heidi took over, holding the animal races in the pool.
The kids also dove for "treasure", collecting all the coins that we threw in the pool.

I felt bad that this camp wasn't quite as fun as I had envisioned, especially because I definitely won the "Grumpy Pants of the Day" award. But the kids always seem to have fun with whatever comes their way and have already asked what cousin camps we'll be doing next summer.

1 comment:

  1. How creative! Swiss Family Robinson is such a fun story!

    I hate it when health/headaches inconvenience plans and fun! You are a trooper!!
