Sunday, August 18, 2013

Soccer Camp - Week 2

The night before week 2 of soccer camp I told Noah that we would follow the same schedule as week 1 - on Monday he would stay home with Daddy and then join us at camp for the rest of the week. Noah just looked at me for a second and then the begging began. "Please, please, please, I want to go to soccer camp ALL week!" Well, since he had done such a great job the 3 days he attended the first week I decided to just let him give it a shot and, to my surprise, he lasted all week just fine. Maybe, just maybe, Noah is growing up a bit. Or maybe it was just the fabulous weather we had. Or maybe it's because soccer camp is just so much fun!
Week 2 was another wonderful week of soccer drills, a soccer piƱata, a bubblegum blowing contest, World Cup, concerts at lunch, a daily supply of Dr. Pepper and Milky Ways from my teenage boys, the coaches/campers game, and just overall fun. The hot days were gone, cooler weather reigned. Our last day it was so cold that we all wore jackets and sweatshirts for most of the morning.
A morning warm up run with the campers.
Soccer tennis.
Working on our dribbling skills.
Always having fun with friends.
Working on our headers. Not such a good idea to have those eyes closed!
A much better header...look at the ball rocket forward!
Two of the groups with Coach Paul...he's somewhere in there!
Noah hangin' with his special bud Jesse. Love this picture!
The next sequence of pictures just cracks me up. The kids all participated in a contest, going against the other kids in their group to see who could either volley or head one of the balls off any of the three cones first. Noah tries a luck though great form!  The open mouth adds a special touch.
Since the volley didn't work, let's try a header.  Hmmm, that didn't work either though, once again, great form!
Yes! Finally success!
Noah made it successfully through several rounds until it came down to the final round to see who would be the ultimate winner, Noah or another boy, Cameron. Cameron ended up winning but immediately ran over to Noah, gave him a high five, and told him "Great job!" I love kids like Cameron who have obviously been taught good sportsmanship. Cameron actually plays on Xander's soccer team but since camp he and Noah have become close buddies.
  Cameron and Noah.
All too soon camp was at an end and it was time to say goodbye (sniff, sniff). Two of the older boys, Alex and Jeffrey, who will be too old to attend camp next summer.
The kids love Coach Potter! I can't help but laugh whenever I look at this picture - between Xander's zombie eyes and Jesse's photo bomb in the back, it's just too funny!

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