Tuesday, June 6, 2017

We Are Grateful

We are grateful for Red Robin balloons that give us more entertainment than we thought possible;
and for Monopoly, the game that keeps going and going and going...
We are grateful for absolutely beautiful weather so we could get outside and play some football!
We are grateful for dads who, in a game that is supposed to be two touch, decide instead to completely take you down, are at least willing to offer you a hand up.
We are definitely grateful for this little cutie!

We are grateful for good hand offs;

and for those who are always willing to do things a little differently.
We are grateful for Ash who might not have wanted to play but did it anyway so the teams would be even.
We are grateful for playgrounds...
and neighborhood kids who join in the action. They know where the fun is!
We are grateful for good blocks...
open space to run...
and an uncle who decides not to tackle his teenage niece thus allowing a touchdown.
We are grateful for celebratory moves...
and a hot quarterback. Okay, maybe it's just me that's grateful for that last one.
We're grateful for fashionable poses during the middle of the game...
and for other players when they fall...or was he pushed?...so that you have an open catch.
We are grateful when cool things happen in nature, like this whirlwind that blew threw the field, stirring up all the leaves, looking like a ghost who was trying to join our fun.
We are grateful for a fabulous morning of football!
We are grateful for lazy afternoons playing cards...
and fun movies to go see.
We are grateful for girls trips to the makeup store...
and for Aunt Heidi who always keeps things interesting.
We are grateful for a brother-in-law who doesn't say anything when he sees you yell at the kids with your mouth stuffed full of bread, crumbs falling out, to leave the extra bread that you tried to hide alone.  And of course we are always grateful to Heidi for keeping the competition alive in what was supposed to be a friendly game of Phase Ten. David and I were grateful that Ryan didn't fully know the rules of the game so he kept skipping Heidi. Good times!

We are extremely grateful for another wonderful Thanksgiving holiday spent with the Clarks and are already looking forward to next year with them.

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