Friday, February 1, 2019

Halloween 2018

Halloween 2018 was a FULL day! It started with an early morning seminary soiree, complete with pumpkin bread, donuts, and cider...
as well as carving pumpkins! Each team had to pick a doctrinal mastery topic and do a Halloween version of it.
Elinor and I are having a blast doing this seminary thing together!
Out in the hall we had tombstones hanging on the walls and the kids had to figure out what doctrinal mastery scripture it was based on the epitaph. Best moment of the morning...Elinor hid in the YW room and when Lydia came by, Elinor popped out of the room and yelled "Ha!" Lydia was totally scared but was a good sport about it, ha ha! I caught it on video and had to watch it about a million times!
At one point I started flinging the fake spiders around...
and Elinor started chucking candy. Finally, it was time for the big carving reveal!  Harrison, Felix, and Emma had Priesthood and Priesthood keys;
I LOVED their skeleton key!
Grace, Lydia, and Abi had Commandments;
they put the 10 commandments tablets on the side and then threw in an alien hand to make it more Halloweenie!
Emily, Savannah, and Sydney had Marriage and Family;
the big hole is supposed to be a pair of coffins and then a wedding ring off to the side.
I thought they all did a great job!
Next activity for the day - I was a chaperone for Noah's sixth grade team's field trip to the corn maze up in Pennsylvania.
My group of boys was pretty good...
though I did have to keep reminding them to stop running and trying to break through the colored tape.
We were legit lost so we went up top several times trying to figure out how to get out!
The last picture we took before we waved our flag to have one of the workers come rescue us. We were all pretty tired, frustrated, and hangry at this point.
We finally got around to carving our pumpkins the afternoon of Halloween. It was just me and the boys. Noah had picked out his special pumpkin and called it Bob.
Bob turned out lookin' pretty cool!
Finally, the witching hour was upon us! My little werewolf!
Noah went out trick or treating with several of his buddies...
Xander got ready to hand out the candy...
and Savannah had her friend Ella over for dinner and a movie.
It finally got dark enough to take a picture of our jack o'lanterns all lit up! Throughout the night Bob got lots of compliments.
Xander decided he was going to go out by himself...
so David and I hung out together on the front porch, snuggling, handing out candy, and talking to friends and neighbors.
You'd think they would have chosen a Halloween/scary movie to watch but instead it was The Glass Castle.
The boys got back earlier than I thought they would and headed up to Noah's room to go through candy and do some trading.
Xander, who's usually the first one back, was out so long I started to get a little worried. He came home with a bag load of candy and some crazy hair!
One last picture from our fun Halloween!

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