Saturday, May 21, 2022

Day 4

The African sands were still cauing quite a haze on Tuesday morning. And, despite these angelic smiles, we sure had a lot of grumpies. I think everyone is a bit tired and sunburned, especially Noah and Savannah.
Could she BE any cuter??
We spent the day at Cinnamon Bay. We basically had the beach to ourselves for most of the morning other than one other couple farther down the beach.
Savannah and Ciara spent a lot of time searching for shells.
Shell collecting buddies!
David spotted this cute little hermit crab.
After several attempts to get him to move, he took off super fast to the ocean. It was hilarious to see him move so quickly! And he was ready to fight us. Even in the water he faced us with his claws up, ha ha!
Savannah and Ashlyn didn't like the snorkeling but Xander enjoyed it. He said he saw some pole with ancient runes on it which has us all laughing about an Atlantis portal.
Cousin pictures!
Our nifty little beach set up. There just wasn't a lot of shade and we were all feeling very sun saturated.
We spent a lot of time in the water just floating around or sitting on the shoreline, talking and laughing.
Another day of building sandcastles...
this time everyone joined in on the fun!
Noah spent a lot of time drawing but poor guy, his notebook got pooped on today. The day before he had also gotten pooped on. I think he's being targeted, ha ha!
Love our family picture!
Another amazing sand building effort!
We headed home around 3:00. Once again we had another funny conversation on the ride back and I wish I could remember all the things we talked about. Bryan certainly does make it entertaining! I caught this view of Deja View as we were driving up to it. We truly are way up there!
The view from our deck. It almost looks like there's a word in the water.
We spent the afternoon relaxing and enjoying things at the house. Xander got in the pool...
and I laid on the hammock and read.
Around 5:00 we headed into town, ordered our BBQ dinner, and looked in the shops at Mongoose Station.
We even did a little dancing!
We spent the evening at Hawksnest, eating BBQ, taking pictures, playing in the sand and water, and enjoying the sunset! It was so peaceful and beautiful!
I jokingly mentioned that I hoped my drumstick wasn't our good friend Kickstand's solo leg!
We finally left the beach but only because it got dark. Back at the house Savannah and Xander played in the pool while the rest of the kids went downstairs. Heidi, Ryan, David, and I sat in the hot tub for about an hour and talked. Another wonderful day! 
Favorite Memories of Tuesday: 
Ciara - walking down the beach and collecting seashells; going to 2 beaches 
Savannah - eating BBQ at sunset at Hawksnest and collecting seashells; the car ride home 
Ashlyn - dinner and the sunset at Hawksnest 
Bryan - looking for shells with Ashlyn; the car ride home 
Noah - sitting on the beach with Kellan 
Heidi - dinner and sunset at Hawksnest 
Xander - building his massive sand castle 
McKenna - going to the beach at night 
Ryan - dinner at Hawksnest Kellan - dinner at Hawksnest 
Tracie - dinner and sunset at Hawksnest

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