Monday, July 17, 2023

November Highlights

Some favorites in November: 

- Xander's first time voting! They make a huge deal at the voting location when someone is a first time voter and everyone clapped for him, which was fun. But one lady made some rude comment about how long it took for him to finally get out and vote and I responded, "He just turned 18 last month!" Well, she was a tad embarrassed because she thought he was several years older. Yep, he's just a big guy, lady!
- a really fun combined youth activity - scripture stories cake decorating! They all did an amazing job!
 - at my DAR meeting we got to hear from a older man whose family had volunteered their dog to help in World War II. A book was written about his dog and it was so fun to have him read it to us, tell us what he remembers about the experience, and answer questions. We had the whole family come out for this one!
- our first snow of the season!
-my cute YW class making caramel apples!
- One Saturday while we were scrolling through TV channels we came across the local high school game of the week. It was Centerville vs Springboro!! So we sat there and watched this oh-so-exciting game and it was so fun for Xander to see himself on TV!
We even got a glimpse of Noah!
- the National Honors Society Induction Ceremony. This time Xander was on the other side of it.
Xander and two of his good friends, Grant and Ethan.
And this year we got to take him to lunch!! City BBQ!
- Rugby pictures from Savannah. Oh, how I wish we could see her play!
- Our cute Cleo!
- Another football recruiting visit, this time to Bluffton. Almost from the time we pulled up both Xander and I knew this wasn't the school. For me it was the school color purple (cringe) and the fact that it was in the middle of nowhere.
We went ahead and did most of the visit (the tour was a hot mess) but did end up leaving a little early.
Over Thanksgiving break we had a "Rings of Power" marathon. Unfortunately our windows cast a horrible glare on the TV so we were having a hard time seeing the show. So, what did we do? We wemt full on ghetto! But hey, it worked. Thank goodness because it was such a great show!

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