Monday, September 22, 2014

Happy Birthday, David!

Yes, another birthday for David has come and gone and he has now found himself firmly entrenched in his forties, celebrating #42! For his family birthday dinner we headed over to Panera.
With his boys.
At home we celebrated with the usual - gifts and then pie. This year I tried to get a little creative and made him a candy/gift card bouquet. It's the gift that keeps on giving as we head out to lunch each week courtesy of the cards. I'm loving that I've been benefiting from this gift as well!
Noah spent an afternoon working on his gift for David - a battle scene with a bunch of knights! He taped all those guys onto the paper in different poses. Too cute!
David likes to guess what each gift is before he opens it and thinks he's pretty smart when he gets most of them right. It's kinda hard to hide the fact that he's getting a DVD, right?
I'm so glad that David loves history because it makes it entirely appropriate for me to buy books that I want to read and pass them off as gifts.
Definitely a necessity! With the Utes racking up some wins this season David has had plenty of chances to wear his Utah ties.
And a new O's hat from the kids!

Facts about David at 42:
  • He started a new job with Diamond Wireless, a retailer for Verizon, in March and what a great blessing it has been!  Because corporate headquarters are in Utah David has had the chance to visit Utah for at least a week each month since March.  He has loved spending time with family and old friends during those visits.  He's been working on a bunch of projects for the company and really loves it!
  • In the past few weeks the kids introduced him to some kind of electronic game called Clash of Clans and he's been hooked ever since, sending his guys out to battle and gathering loot.  (At least I think that's what's been going on.)
  • He loves to play catch with the kids in the backyard or head up to the church for Daddy Soccer Camp where he instructs the kids on soccer drills.
  • For his down time, other than playing Clash of Clans or perusing Twitter and the Internet, he has several favorite TV shows that he watches - Downton Abbey (which I got him into), Revolution, and Parenthood (which I tease him unmercifully about, hee hee).  There's also all the football, basketball, soccer, and baseball games that always seem to be on at our house.
  • He was very proud of his Round by Round win in the annual Schaeffer March Madness Tournament.
  • He loves to eat out (really, who doesn't?) and is such a great husband to always tell me about all the fabulous food he is eating.
  • He's such a supportive dad, always helping the kids in their various activities including school, scouts, and sports. 
  • He has been doing such a great job in keeping fit and eating right.  He still loves his sweets but has been staying strong in his resistance and only indulging every once in awhile.
  • He loves to golf and has started taking Xander with him for some quality father-son time. 
  • He is still serving on the Stake High Council and for the past two years his assignment has been Stake Young Mens President which he thoroughly enjoys.
  • Where I can be a bit uptight, he's very laid back and keeps us laughing and having fun!

1 comment:

  1. Fun! The kids are always so creative with their gifts! Happy Birthday David!
