Thursday, September 25, 2014

Mormon Night at Camden Yards

Yes, another post about going to an Orioles game!! This time it was Mormon Night at Camden Yards. What better way to spend an evening than cheering on our O's with a bunch of our friends from church?
Bring on the Minnesota Twins!!
Once again we headed down early so the kids could watch batting practice and hopefully get a ball.
Success for Savannah!!
And Xander! I was so glad Xander ended up with this ball because he had to fight off some woman for it. A Twins player had noticed Xander trying for a ball so when the player ended up with a catch he threw it specifically to Xander. Unfortunately his throw was a touch hard and it went over Xander's head by a few rows. About 20 rows above us a mom was sitting with her two boys and all of them were busy eating food. She saw the ball fly over Xander's head, jumped up, rushed down, and tried to get it before Xander. Then she acted all upset when Xander grabbed it before she could get her hands on it. I was really upset with her because it was obvious to everyone around us that the player had intended the ball for Xander. Some people! Good thing Xander has quick reflexes...and determination!
Whose kid is that? Some parents just have zero control over their wild children!
Here come our Orioles!!
A Mormon missionary threw the first pitch and he did a great job! Of course all the crazy Mormons cheered wildly for him!
We spent most of the evening hangin' with our favorites, the Pauls and the Maxwells. At least in baseball we all agree that orange is the best color!
I told Darby to smile - pure adorableness!!!
Noah wanted to sit with his fabulous Primary teachers, the Ingrams.
We were all pretty excited when Chris Davis hit a grand slam!!
This was Noah's pose for the "show your muscles" camera shot. What a ham!
The best part of Mormon night is seeing all those missionaries that have moved from our ward. Savannah and I were thrilled that we got to catch up with Sister Horn, one of our all-time favorites!
Xander hanging with his friends, showing off their muscles. Some other older members of our ward decided to join in! I love Dani Gebski's face peeking through!!
The cute girlies - Savannah, Brinley, Libby, and Addie.
Another fabulous night at Camden Yards! Orioles win it, 9-1!!!

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