Monday, September 10, 2018

A Rainy Day

A few weeks before our trip to Cincinnati I was talking to my brother and he mentioned that the Cincinnati Art Museum was having a special exhibit - the terracotta warriors from China! I was so excited to see them! So, on the first rainy day of our visit, Bryan and I headed over to the museum to check them out.
The first part of the exhibit contained all sorts of cool artifacts from that time period.
After learning all about the dynasty leaders and way of life of that time period, we entered the second part of the exhibit where the terracotta warriors were displayed.
We turned the corner and there they were! I was in awe!
A middle-ranking officer.
A cavalryman and his horse.
An armored charioteer.
The armored general.
It was a wonderful exhibit and I had such a great time being there with Bryan.
We decided to check out what other treasures were housed at the museum. Turns out there are quite a few!
Including some fabulous Egyptian pieces.
There were so many interesting things to see and I'll definitely need to go back.
That evening the plan was to go to the Clarks' swim meet but rain and thunderstorms were in the forecast so we didn't know if it would still be on. Noah and I decided to just go ahead and go there, keeping fingers crossed that the rain would hold off...and it did! It was such a fun evening cheering on the cousins!

We didn't let any old rain keep us from having a fun day!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, Trace, it was such a pleasure to go to the museum with you and see those astounding terra-cotta warriors!! How very cool. I'm glad that someone else in the family finds things like that interesting (you and Hannah!!).
