Thursday, September 13, 2018

Pool Fun

Due to all the rain, our pool days were few and far between on this visit. If there were clear skies, the kids went straight out back to spend as much time as they could soakin' up some pool fun! And of course Noah is always willing to help Grandpa clean the pool!
Being with cousins is the best!
Poolside with these lovelies...
and Cocoa.
An impromptu, hilarious photo shoot with these two!
Time to grab the traditional "jumping in" photo. It always takes a few tries and the results are always hilarious!
Back onto the raft...
and then - chicken fights!!!
A poolside cousin photo shoot.
Ciara and her faces crack me up!

1 comment:

  1. What a motley crew!! Hahaha, I did not remember the full extent of that "photo shoot" that Ciara and I did with you. Too funny!! What incredible memories and photographs, Trace. I am grateful you've documented so many good things.
