Tuesday, September 18, 2018

"May the Faith Be With You"

I had volunteered to help out with Youth Conference this year so, the day after we got back from Cincinnati, Savannah and I headed up to Havre de Grace to meet up with other youth from the stake for 3 fun-filled, spiritually uplifting, service-oriented days. The theme was "May the Faith Be With You".
Some getting-to-know-you games within their groups. Savannah was thrilled to have a few friends in hers - Kaia and Lauren.
While I met with other leaders and parents to figure out rides for the afternoon service project, the youth were discussing some spiritual things and I was just in time to hear Savannah speak for her group. She did a fabulous job!
A few games outside before lunch and heading out to do some service.
I was put in charge of transporting youth to a farm called First Fruits, a wonderful local farm that donates 100% of the food grown there to the poor and homeless. They depend on volunteers to help run the farm and we were there to put supports in for the tomato plants as well as do some weeding. I was lucky enough to have some of my own young women in my group.

I was somewhat bummed that I didn't have Savannah in my group but she had a wonderful time in a clothing place in Baltimore. A wonderful mom sent me a picture of my cute girl.
Back for dinner...
and then a dance for the young people. I hung out in the lobby crocheting and talking to some of the other parents and leaders, occasionally popping my head in to see how the dance was going. It ended at 9:00 and then I drove some of the girls to their host home. We started off the second day with canoeing!
The awesome Brother Paul.
After a fun morning for the kids, off we went, down to Gunpowder State Park to clear trails.
These cute girls with their trash bags...
and Harrison with his grabber.
The youth were supposed to partner up but one young man, Gabe, didn't have a partner so he got stuck with me. That Gabe is one awesome kid! I'm sure he was totally bummed to be stuck with the old lady but he didn't complain and we actually had a great time picking up trash. It was so sad how much garbage there was!
These guys did such an amazing job that the ranger continued to compliment them and said he would take us back as helpers anytime.
These two were still cleaning and digging out bottle tops even on our way out!
Savannah had done service in the morning and went canoeing in the afternoon. Of course she and Carolyn are inseparable at church activities!
It was time to meet up with all the youth at the Susquehanna State Park for dinner and games. Such a lovely view!
And this is about the time we realized the trail we had been wandering on for about 20 minutes wasn't taking us where we needed to be. We were lost!
Thank goodness a leader came and got us and we finally made it to the pavilion for some dinner and a great talk by President Brady.
He spoke about looking to the Savior and he had the most fabulous prop.
Another night at host families for the youth and my own bed for me. I was wiped out and I still had one more day to go. Saturday morning were the workshops. I had been asked to teach the one entitled "Luke, I Am Your Father", obviously keeping with the Star Wars theme, and it was all about improving our relationship with our Father in Heaven. Workshops were followed by a testimony meeting and lunch. Our last event of the conference was two hours away, in Frederick, where the youth got to spend the rest of Saturday at EFY. All of my girls passed out on the way down...they were definitely worn out!
What to do while the youth are busy for seven hours? Check out downtown Frederick with friends, of course!
It's not often I get to see something with my name spelled correctly!
We had a great time wandering the streets, seeing a few historical things...
as well as some more quirky spots.
The little soap shop we stopped into had some interesting soaps...and I"m not talking about the one Heidi is holding...
The funniest moment of our afternoon came at this spot - the Gaslight House. Cynthia kept talking about how she wanted to tour one of the old historical homes but the only one we had spotted turned out to now be a funeral home. We thought we'd hit the jackpot when we came across this home with the plaque obviously designating it as important. We weren't sure if we should just walk in or what the hours might be so I decided to look it up on the internet. While I did that a lady went up the stairs and walked right in and we could hear people talking and music playing. As I started reading about the home, I mentioned how it was believed to be haunted which had Cynthia even more excited. She decided to head up and in but as she was trying the knob a man answered the door. Apparently it's a private home. Ha ha! We could not stop teasing Cynthia and laughing about the whole thing.
We loved peeking into some of the beautiful side courts of some of the old homes.
We found some fun little shops on Shab Row.
I was a little worried when I saw the name of the scent but it actually smells really good and I just had to get some.
Time for a break in the shade; it was extremely hot and humid!
We walked along the water...
and got one last shot of this great little downtown area.
Cafe Rio to top off our day and my time at youth conference!

The kids had a fabulous time as well and I'm so glad I got to spend this time with them.

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