Monday, May 4, 2020

Sports Week 4

We were back at C. Milton on Monday to make up the postponed game from the week before.
Unfortunately it was blazin' hot and humid and the girls just didn't look as sharp as they did the night of the thunderstorms. It's still so wonderful to watch my girl play!
A little double team action!
Our girls fought hard but the heat just zapped a lot of their energy plus C. Milton always has such a tough team! We ended up losing 2-0.
On Wednesday we played at home against Havre de Grace. Although we are still playing on the practice field, it was nice to be home playing against a pretty easy team.
Two of her fans!

Savannah had a great game, scoring 2 goals, one of which was a header. Edgewood with the win, 6-1.
The cheering squad - Larry, HB, Tyreak, Max, and Xander.
Her sweet teammate, Carly.
Thursday night lights for Xander's game. We played at Harford Tech's stadium against C. Milton. Xander got lots of playing time and was able to get several tackles as well as a sack.
It was such a beautiful evening for some football!
We came away with another win!
Friday night Noah attended the first annual spaghetti dinner for the two Emmorton Buc U12 teams. All the boys and coaches got dressed up and had a great time together. I'm so grateful he's part of such a wonderful team!

The B team - Noah's team.
Both teams. They clean up pretty well!
Saturday was Noah's big Homecoming game against Aberdeen. Go Bucs!
Each of the players had his name announced as he ran to the middle of the field. Noah gave a little dab before he took off.
Yep, I got to hold the flag!
Here they come!
I love how excited Noah is!!
I love when the photographer dad from the other Bucs team is there because he always gets such great pictures of our boys. Love watching my #3!
Noah was made defensive captain and it was fun to watch him direct his teammates on defense. He had several tackles and a fumble recovery.
Unfortunately we ended up losing but our guys really played hard and only lost 21-6.
After the game we headed over to the pavilion for some pizza, drinks, candy, and dessert. The coaches had even bought flowers for each of the boys to give to their moms.

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