Monday, May 11, 2020

Xander Turns 15!

Xander's birthday celebrations started bright and early in seminary! He got to wear the special birthday hat which is everyone's favorite thing to do!
Because we're so busy in the fall we always have a ton of things going on so this poor kid had to wait until quite late to open presents but Xander is so low key that it didn't even seem to bother him.
Some favorite gifts this year included: new Dragonlance books which unfortunately were late arriving;
a new Xbox game;
a Donovan Mitchell jersey;
and the big one - air pods!
And the birthday balloons? Yeah, about that one that says 40...the guy at Party City apparently didn't write down the numbers correctly and I didn't see that he had made a mistake until they were all blown up and he was handing them to me. When I pointed out his mistake he didn't seem inclined to change it, seriously, and it was late and I was tired so oh, well. Xander is celebrating his 40th super early!

I love my Xanderman so much! He's such a good kid and works real hard at everything he does. What a blessing he is to our family!

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