Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Boating with the YW

In September we had such a fun bonus activity with the young women - we went boating!! Brother Williams had offered to take us out on his boat and we were finally able to make it happen. Unfortunately it's always hard to find a Saturday where everyone is available so our numbers were a bit small but we still had a fabulous time.
Everyone safely on board and ready to go...
until Brother Williams, in a completely normal voice, told us the boat was sinking and we had to all quickly get off. Then he whipped off his shirt and dove into the water to get under the boat at some plug that had apparently not been put back on. I ran quickly to the office to let the guys there know about our sinking vessel and, after dropping an expletive, out they ran as fast as I've ever seen men move!
Eventually all was well and we were off! What a beautiful day to be out on the water!
Each of the girls got a turn to drive the boat.
Once on the island we all enjoyed some lunch...
and some beach time, including taking lots of pictures.
Of course we just had to find a dead fish...it's like tradition with my kids. Savannah was all smiles for the picture, even willing to pick it up.
And then the stink hit us! It was extreme!!! Melissa went out to the boat to get a rod...
so I could pick up that fish and dispose of it in the woods. We just had to eliminate that smell!

Some of the beehives tried fishing...
and then just basically hung out on the boat with Brother Williams...
while we frolicked on the beach!
After a couple hours we all got back on the boat.
Time for some tubing fun!

The leaders' turn!
It was a blast!!! Melissa and I were laughing the entire time!
What a fun day!
And we ended it with a special treat!
Then it was off to the the boys' football games which luckily had been rescheduled to later times so we were able to make it. We caught the last half of Noah's game...unfortunately they lost.
Right after was Xander's team's turn - they played North Harford as well.

They all played tough but it was a butt whooping! North Harford had this one player that we just could not stop. It also didn't help that one of the moms was getting upset that the coaches weren't running the offense to include her son more and caused a huge stink on the sideline. Oh, dear. I'm just there to cheer.

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